The Basics of Cloth Diapering from a Twin Mom


I’m going to cloth diaper. Save money, lower my family’s carbon footprint, all that jazz. *Queue the concerned gasps from friends, family, random passerby*, “You won’t have time for that with a newborn! You’ll be overwhelmed as it is!”

And this conversation wasn’t just a one-time thing. Any time I mentioned my desire to cloth diaper, at least one well-meaning person in the room tried to convince me it would be too hard. An awkward grin plastered on my face, I’d follow up with “Oh, and I’m having twins.” 

*Looks of horror intensify*

There was no way I’d be able to manage twins and the effort of cloth diapering, at least that’s what I heard from a good 75% of people.

Well, half a year into cloth diapering my lovely twins, Amélie and Lucien, I can happily say IT IS POSSIBLE! Dare I venture to say I actually prefer cloth diapering to disposables? With so many options, cloth diapering is now more accessible than ever. For us twin parents who have double the laundry, with clothes that pile up faster than you thought physically possible–there are definitely some options for saving that valuable space in the washer and wet bag!

So what are some of the main styles out there? 

Let’s start with the oldies but goodies, flats and prefolds. 

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These are what most people associate with cloth diapers–a large square or rectangular piece of fabric that you fold around your little one. This is an extremely flexible and cost effective way to cloth diaper. If you have a bit more to spend, you can splurge on bamboo or hemp flats. Or for those looking to save a few extra pennies (especially now that money seems to evaporate into thin air with one baby–let alone two or more!) a cotton flat or even something like a receiving blanket fastened by pins or a Snappi works! Now for the fun part: pick out some cute covers and you’re all set!


These aren’t too different from flats–think less folding, more sewn in absorbency. Actually, before I became super invested in cloth diapers, I knew prefolds as “burp cloths”–nice and absorbent, sturdy…perfect for spit-ups, drool–and it turns out, dirty diapers. There are tons of choices out there, but one great natural option are OsoCozy’s unbleached prefolds. Go ahead and fold them around your little one and fasten with a Snappi or trifold them and go! Just like with flats, you’ll have to buy covers separately.


These are both great affordable cloth diapering options. And even with the added step of folding, using flats or prefolds are actually a great option for diapering twins! Why? You can reuse covers! Notwithstanding a massive poop explosion–which we all know happen more often than we’d like–just wipe down the cover and swap one flat/prefold (or two for more absorbancy!) for a new one. It’s also worth noting you can use inserts typically marketed for use with pocket diapers or all-in-twos with covers as well–I do this all the time if I want the increased reusability of covers you can wipe down with my heavy wetter. Because of this ability to reuse covers, you not only save money but also space in your diaper pail/wet bag and washer (parents everywhere rejoice)!

Just a side note: fitted diapers work fairly similarly in that they involve two individually purchased components: a cover and in the case of fitteds, a piece of fabric already in the shape of a diaper (so no folding). These are also a fantastic choice, especially for an overnight option or if you have a heavy wetter. Green Mountain Diapers has some nice choices.)

Pocket Diapers

Just under twenty years ago, the pocket diaper was a HUGE innovation in cloth diapering! Being the history nerd that I am, I got sucked into the rabbit hole of researching the timeline of diapers (as one does), and the 21st century has seen tons of improvements in cloth diapers–the first of which was the good old pocket diaper. 

They work just like it sounds–the diaper itself (which has a waterproof exterior, so no need to buy a separate cover like you would with prefolds and flats) has a pocket and all you have to do is stuff whatever inserts you want into it. Want microfiber inserts for wicking moisture and greater affordability? You got it (just make sure the microfiber doesn’t come into direct contact with your little one’s skin). Want bamboo or hemp  for more absorbancy overnight? Got it! Or in a pinch and only have prefolds? You can stuff those in too. I don’t have too many pocket diapers in my stash, but I do have a few Rumparooz a friend gifted to me, and they fit great!


For me, pocket diapers are super interesting for their innovation–but as someone cloth diapering two at once, I prefer fluff that allows you to use covers multiple times or the amazing convenience of all-in-ones–which I talk about next! So yeah–I love that with prefolds, flats, and all-in-twos (keep reading for those), I can reuse the same covers/shells multiple times. Since with pockets, the inserts are stuffed inside pocket diapers, the shell itself gets dirty after just one use–making them overall less efficient (at least for me, pockets may end up being your favorite!) when juggling all that laundry. At that point, I personally would rather use an all-in-one. 


Have a family member watching the little one(s) who is super wary of cloth diapers? All-in-ones are perfect for them! They’re the most like using a disposable diaper…no stuffing, no folding, no fuss. The inserts are already sewn into the diaper. All you gotta do is put the diaper on, secure it with the snaps or velcro on the diaper’s waterproof exterior, and go.

All-in-One from Nerdy Mommas, Lolligagger Print


Just like pocket diapers, you can only use all-in-ones once–but they have the added benefit of being super convenient. My preferred type of all-in-one have inserts that can be flapped outwards for quicker drying (as shown here, only one side of each inserts in sewn to the diaper). I love using these especially at night or for outings–as I still try to use covers multiple times throughout a normal day. But when we’re talking about nighttime diapers, you’d only be using that cover once anyway (since the lining will likely be quite damp by morning), so why not go with a super sturdy all-in-one that’s no fuss and is super absorbent? Nerdy Momma’s all-in-one has been my absolute favorite so far–how can I say no to awesome fluff that is extremely well-made AND has prints from some of my beloved nerdy fandoms?! The adorable Harry Potter-inspired Charms Notes print in the banner image is also from Nerdy Mommas. Do yourself a favor and check them out here!

All-in-Twos (aka Hybrids)

Let’s talk about all-in-twos! With these diapers–which are also called “hybrids”–you get the reusability of flats and prefolds, and the innovation of pocket diapers at the same time. These beautiful inventions have a shell and inserts–just like pocket diapers–but rather than having to stuff them, you simply snap or lay in your insert. Inserts come in a wide range of materials like the others, and there are even disposable options for when you’re on the go or to make them even more convenient for other caretakers! No folding and fastening–just snap and go. Then for the next 2 or so changes (again, poop explosion notwithstanding), simply swap out the inserts!

All-in-Two (Hybrid) from Lil Helpers Diapers with bamboo inserts


For me, all-in-twos are a great overall option for busy parents and parents of multiples. They’re quick to dry because all the pieces are separate, but they’re also super user-friendly and customizable. This style makes up a large portion of my diaper stash, and I can definitely say my favorite all-in-two brand is Lil Helper Cloth Diapers. If you’re unsure about cloth diapering in general or about this particular style, check out their trial diaper deal!

So that’s it! Not too bad at all–and I promise cloth diapering is not as overwhelming as tons of people make it out to be. If you’ve ever thought you’re too busy juggling multiple kids and life to try cloth diapering but it’s been something you’ve wanted to check out–give it a shot. Just like with anything, your best bet is to try different options and pick your personal favorite. As one busy parent to another, I promise it’s possible–especially with the space and money-saving cover-prefold/flat or all-in-two system and insanely convenient all-in-ones. 

You might not find it fits your lifestyle, and that’s still totally okay! But don’t throw in the towel just because family and friends discourage you because they think that it’ll be “too hard”. Cloth diapering has changed A TON in just the past generation, and in my opinion (and my initially opposed Mom’s), it’s totally worth revisiting!! 

Stay tuned for my favorite essentials for cloth diapering next week 🙂 How do you diaper? Cloth, disposables, or a combo of the two? 

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