10 Video Game Songs to Help you Reach your Zen Place


Need to chill after a rough day? I know I’m always looking to strike that balance of peaceful mindfulness that defines Zen, and it’s usually very difficult for me–especially with two little ones rolling around! Well, these songs help me out a lot.

Whether it be due to the stresses that come with parenthood or just being an adult in general, you don’t have to be a huge video game geek to appreciate how relaxed these tunes will make you feel! But for you fellow nerds out there, comment below with some of your favorites!

Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2017)

Who doesn’t love Zelda? Breath of the Wild took us all by storm with its gorgeous world, its exciting landscape just waiting to be explored. Along with the amazing gameplay, we got a brilliantly whimsical and soothing soundtrack from Manaka Kataoka. 

While most of the listings on here are stand-alone songs, I had to include this entire soundtrack. I put it on when I want to relax but not feel sleepy. Most of it manages to be playful and relaxing at the same time, making it one of my go-to’s for Amélie’s and Lucien’s playtime as well.

Metal Gear Solid (1998): The Best is Yet to Come

Another classic series, Metal Gear Solid is not known for being relaxing. BUT this gorgeous Gaelic piece sung by Irish singer, Aoife Ní Fhearraigh, leaves me feeling totally calm. It takes a minute or so to pick up–and my favorite bit begins about a minute and a half in.

It’s a melancholy one, especially if you’ve played the actual game or if you’ve looked into the lyrics, but The Best is Yet to Come is the epitome of “hauntingly beautiful”.

Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers (2019); The Rak’Tika Greatwood Theme  

I LOVE THIS GAME. *clears throat* Anyway–If you play FFXIV, you definitely know this one–along with all the memes it’s produced. But seriously, both the day and night versions of this song are AMAZING, and I listen to both when I want to chill out a bit from a stressful day. Honestly, with the number of times I’ve listened to Rak’tika’s day theme, the twins’ first words will probably be “La Hee” (kidding…kind of). If you don’t get the reference, take a listen!

Nier: Automata (2017); The Weight of the World

This game in general makes me super emotional, and the “true” ending helped me finally overcome some of the extremely negative feelings I still felt about myself and my decision to leave graduate school. It single-handedly proves that video games are worth much more than many think–and just like books and films, they can help us self-reflect on some of our darkest (and most joyful!) emotions. 

But that’s a story for another blog post: my point here is that this song is fantastic–melancholic yet uplifting. Parenting has to be one of the most overwhelming adventures we’ll ever encounter, and just like the name of the song says: at times, it feels like we have “the weight of the world” on our shoulders. So if you’re feeling particularly stressed and alone–take a few minutes and give this one a listen. You’re not alone, and this song helps drive that home.

Stardew Valley (2016)

On a lighter note, Stardew Valley’s soundtrack (yes, I’m including the entire soundtrack like I did with Breath of the Wild)–just like the game itself–arouses feelings ranging from happy to bittersweet to melancholic, but one thing is certain: it will definitely leave you feeling relaxed. Unlike the previous three listings though, just know the music isn’t from some epic, sweeping adventure. For those of you who haven’t played it, Stardew Valley is a super charming indie game in a similar vein as Harvest Moon or Animal Crossing–so you spend your time growing your farm, socializing with people in town, attending fun little seasonal events…the whole game, including the soundtrack, is just downright one of the most chill things you’ll do/listen to this week.

Skyrim (2011); Ancient Stones

Alright, time for another grandiose fantasy entry. Although I’m never one to turn down listening to the seriously epic Skyrim theme (I think that song is almost solely responsible for keeping me awake at 3am in undergrad while I powered through my honors thesis)–Ancient Stones is what I turn to when I want to soak in the bath with some lavender soap and epsom salt. 

So try to make some time to pamper yourself, prepare a bath, and put this great track on; you’ll feel refreshed in the 4 minutes and 47 seconds it takes you to hear the whole thing.

Final Fantasy VI (1994); Terra’s Theme

FFVI is a masterpiece, and so is its soundtrack. The entire thing. But not all of it is relaxing per se (cough, Kefka’s theme, cough)–so I whittled it down to my go-to chill song from FFVI, which is Terra’s theme. It’s definitely more regal-sounding and uplifting than a number of entries on this list, but that’s alright! It’ll leave you feeling a combination of relaxed, hopeful, and happy all at once. 

I’ve included the original version of the song here, but if you’re not into old school video game sounds, give the orchestral version a shot!

The Witcher 3 (2015): The Vagabond

I listen to a variety of music from The Witcher 3 on the regular, depending if I’m in an epic mood, a frustrated one, or a peaceful one (or if I’m *attempting* to be peaceful). This particular song falls in the latter category. It definitely has a mystical, magical vibe to it–another perfect one for a nice, long-ish soak in the tub.

Persona 5 (2016/17): Beneath the Mask

Though Fire Emblem is overall my favorite video game franchise, Persona 5 is my favorite game I’ve played recently. I was pumped for the Smash Bros/Persona 5 collab when Nintendo brought Joker into the fray, and I’m even more excited for P5 Royal. Naturally, I play music from Persona 5 at least once every week, but Beneath the Mask is the only one I explicitly listen to in order to wind down. Reminiscent of a jazzy laid-back coffee shop (which is exactly where you can hear it in game), I like to play rain sound effects in the background for the ultimate soothing effect. So grab a cup of tea or coffee, close your eyes amidst the madness of your house, and enjoy.

Fire Emblem Fates (2015/16): Lost in Thoughts All Alone (Japanese Version)

I saved my all-time favorite video game series for last. It’s not necessarily the first that comes to mind when I need a slew of relaxing tunes to chill out to, but this one is definitely an exception. The English and Japanese versions are both phenomenal–but if I’m listening to it with the express intention of calming my nerves of dealing with a particularly rough day of the twins fussing, 10/10 times I’ll go with the Japanese rendition.

So, go ahead–Share some of your favorites!

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